+40 764 406 955 office@apte2002.ro


sept. 22, 2021 | 0 comentarii

Măsuri anunțate și implementate de către Statele Membre ale Uniunii Europene în ceea ce privește restricțiile pentru transport.


Coronavirus response: Transport measures The European Commission’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic prioritises keeping citizens healthy. This includes keeping essential transport moving, for example to transport medical supplies and other essential goods. Many Member States have announced restrictions to transport – a fully list by country is available below.

This list is updated regularly, as information becomes available.

Please note that given that the situation is evolving rapidly, the list may not be exhaustive. Always refer to the website of the relevant national authority for the most accurate and up-to-date information, including exemptions foreseen to facilitate the transport of goods.